Thursday, January 10, 2013

"What do I wear with this thing?": One Skirt, Many Outfits

As a very early graduation present, I got my cousin a skirt from Bodyline. It's sweet lolita, full tilt, but my cousin is not a lolita. She asked me, after trying on the skirt, what I thought she should wear with it.

So, of course, I made a blog post.

I limited the store choices to Target, Wal Mart, Maurice's, Claire's, J.C. Penney, and Kohl's. They're all stores my cousins shop at and all sell their wares at fairly reasonable prices. Megan, I know you're into cheap. I tried to reflect that in my choices.

The outfits are all lolita-ish. I wouldn't classify most as lolita. My cousin, as I said, is not a lolita. However, I tried to make them cute and fun, which is really all that matters. Also, most of them are simple. I wanted to make sure they reflected the need to throw it on and go that I know my cousins have sometimes.

One Skirt, Many Outfits: Wardrobe I

This is really just a basic accessory wardrobe. Three different colors of shoes to choose from, one plain pair of tights, one wild pair of tights, a couple of hats, a headband, a sparkly hairbow, and a pair of suspenders for fun. I kept everything to a very basic color scheme so it will pretty much all match.

One Skirt, Many Outfits: Wardrobe II

And some jewelry! Most of it is candy themed or within the skirt's color scheme. Seriously, when a skirt is covered in ice cream and grapes, why not have fun with the jewelry? I didn't find any necklaces, pins, or bracelets that I liked with this skirt (at least, not from stores that I know my cousins have ready access to), but they're welcome to join the party, too.

One Skirt, Many Outfits: Wardrobe III

And the shirts! I tried to pick a variety of casual-ish shirts. Personally, I wouldn't put the Hello Kitty shirt with this. It's just a placeholder for a small printed t-shirt of any sort. The rest of them are fancy enough to be church appropriate but not so fancy that you'll feel like you're being strangled by propriety when you wear them.

The cardigan is a good thing to add both for color variety and for warmth.

One Skirt, Many Outfits: A Little Bit Funky

This outfit isn't my usual style, but oh, is it ever fun. The basic turtleneck would be tame if it wasn't for everything else. It's bright, it's funky, and I find it to be pretty darn entertaining.

One Skirt, Many Outfits: Classy Lady

This is definitely more my style, but it's a little boring. It's a lot of off white. However, it's a good way to tone down the skirt and make it appropriate for, say, going to church.

One Skirt, Many Outfits: Vintage-Inspired

With a full skirt, my first thought is usually vintage. This outfit went full tilt in that direction, with a cardigan and top with a Peter Pan collar. The pearl headband really pushes it over the edge, though.

One Skirt, Many Outfits: Quick and Casual

This outfit is SUPER casual. As I said before, the Hello Kitty top is really just a placeholder for any basic printed tee. Just make sure the design is small and placed high on the tee; you don't want the waist of the skirt covering up half the picture.

One Skirt, Many Outfits: Sweet Girl

This outfit reminds me of ice cream. And candy, of course (seriously, how cute are those gummy bear earrings?). Another ridiculously simple outfit.

One Skirt, Many Outfits: Late To Class

And, finally, the outfit for when you're late to class.

Most people would never believe you if you said this was a two minute, throw it on and go number, but it is. It's just tights, shoes, a skirt, a shapeless top given shape by the high waist of the skirt, and a hairbow. Done. It looks so much fancier than it is.

This is just what I would wear with the skirt. There are plenty of other options. The only real advice I can give is to have fun with it.

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